Test Blog test test


Playing with a few different terrain representations.

Cubed Voxel Cubed voxel terrain

Flattened Pipes Flattened pipes terrain

Traditional Heightmap Heightmap terrain

Floating Pipes Floating terrain

I find it interesting how tiny the voxel terrain looks (all the terrain maps are 32x32). I think it's because it's easy to judge scale in that screenshot from the cube shapes. Heightmap terrain in particular, you have no idea about scale until you place objects on the map.

Gif of different terrains using same noise seed

To scale

A simple visualisation of the map. It's cut in half because my VBO indices overflowed.

Good enough for a test.

edit: Actaully I fixed it because I needed a quad-batcher anyway.

Rotating 3d map


I bring you noise from my incomplete java port of someone's incomplete C# port of Libnoise

Random noise Random noise

Perlin noise Perlin noise

Ridged multi-fractal noise (which creeps me out) Ridged multi-fractal noise

Billow noise Billow noise

Voronoi noise Voronoi noise


Added a simple shader and fixed my gif pipeline

Cameraspace normal shader

Modelspace normal shader

I feel elevated

Code for the biomes works decently on elevation. I really should increase the sampling frequency but this'll work as a test. I'll just average the values at corners.

Biome map

Elevation map